How to Increase Productivity in the Construction Industry with ERP Software?

How to Increase Productivity in the Construction Industry

There are two types of work, one is hard work and one is smart work, everyone knows the difference between these two, but do you know how to use smart work to increase productivity in the construction industry? It is very important to use smart work because only by doing smart work we increase the productivity of the construction industry. But how do we use smart work to improve productivity in the construction industry? One of the biggest problems in the construction industry is how to manage construction. If construction work is properly managed, we can greatly increase its productivity. This article talks about 4 ways in which ERP Software can help you improve construction productivity.

How to Improve Productivity in Construction Industry

Improving construction productivity is critical for fulfilling project timelines, saving money, and overall efficiency. When there are numerous stakeholders, complex procedures, and time-sensitive operations, it is critical to develop productivity-boosting solutions. This article examines significant techniques to increase construction industry productivity, such as good project planning, the use of technology and automation, cooperative promotion, resource allocation optimization, and investments in training and skill development. Construction organizations can boost efficiency, minimize procedures, and generate better project results by implementing these tactics.

4 Ways to Improving Construction Productivity-

Improving Accuracy & Efficiency in Construction

The more accurate your report and information about your work, the more you can analyze your work to increase productivity, ERP software gives you accurate reports so that you can get accurate information about construction work. In this ERP software, you can manage raw material information, and worker’s information such as what time they came to work and how many hours they worked, and also provide accurate work reports, etc. With Nway ERP you can get accurate reports as per your needs at your fingertips.

Exchange of Information at Every Construction Site Improve Productivity

The construction company has many clients and it is necessary to monitor each construction site, it is inefficient to manage and compile data for many tasks in Excel sheets or PowerPoint and it is very confusing and data is not secure. Construction ERP Software allows access control for authorized customers to get all the information from anywhere across the construction site. It avoids the unnecessary time, cost & waste of money during the project duration. In this, our data is also very safe because it uses firewall security. Nway ERP takes utmost care while dealing with its customers’ data.

Cost Management in ERP Software:

Every construction company has many clients and most of the construction clients work on a contract basis, that’s why every client has a different budget, in ERP software we can manage every finance-related work so that we have no need to hire someone to manage our finance-related work and it saves us a lot of time. With ERP software, we can make accurate estimates so that no construction project goes beyond the budget.

Optimize Project Management

If we want to manage our construction project, ERP software can monitor and manage your information and provide accurate analysis of raw material, manpower utilization & construction sites. These are the primary reason to use ERP software in the construction industry, with the help of these uses we can surely increase our productivity in the construction industry.

How to Improve labor productivity in the construction industry

Improving labor productivity in the construction industry is crucial to enhancing efficiency and completing projects on time and within budget. One useful technique is to improve personnel planning and management. This includes accurately evaluating project requirements and ensuring that an adequate number of trained individuals are available at each stage. Streamlining team communication and coordination can enhance output by eliminating delays and preventing rework. Furthermore, providing workers with adequate training and skill development opportunities enables them to do their duties more efficiently. Investing in modern construction equipment and technology, such as digital tools and automation, can increase workforce productivity by eliminating manual effort and improving precision. Construction organizations may unlock the full potential of their workers and reach higher levels of production by employing these methods.


In conclusion, using ERP software for improving construction productivity can be quite advantageous for the construction sector. ERP software may help construction organizations save time and money, and boost efficiency through precise and effective reporting, improved information interchange between construction sites, cost management, and optimized project management. The advantages of ERP software can help the construction sector increase efficiency and profitability.

Hit the [Request Demo] button to learn about Nway ERP and avail all the above benefits to increase efficiency and improve productivity in your company.

Top 5 Reasons Why Construction Industry needs an ERP Solution


Every company explores ways of simplifying its processes, minimizing costs, and maximizing profits to remain competitive, something that is more evident in the construction industry. With the evolving demands of the customers and many other issues changing the business world, construction companies are facing several challenges.

Construction ERP software helps managers to devise comprehensive plans for successful civil engineering of projects from the onset of project work till the outcome and during the entire construction life cycle.

ERP software offers a variety of integrated solutions that support all aspects of the construction business, from planning, project control, to cost and revenue estimation. The following are five main benefits of ERP software in the construction industry:

Optimize Planning

Improper planning processes can lead to project failure. Contractors can sustain heavy losses in the form of labour costs and loss of clientele because of the completion of targets in a given time. An ERP for a construction company can provide you with accurate planning of raw material, human resources, design & other resources required for successful project completion. Nway provides excellent Project planning with this ERP solution specifically designed for Road construction projects.

Customizable as per your Business Needs

The flexibility features of ERP improve its ROIs. Since every establishment is different with varying business needs, various functions and customizable features can be added or adjusted in the application to make it the most effective solution that fulfils the individual organization’s requirements. With Nway ERP, your organization can get the best custom-made solution suited for your construction business processes.

Real-Time Project Tracking

The advanced construction ERP software solution provides reliable analytical reports from real-time data and it allows the construction head to track ongoing project progress and take necessary action in case of any variance. And therefore, construction ERP software helps in reducing risk, unnecessary time as well as improving the efficiency of work.

Streamline Operations

Any construction company would be dealing with numerous processes on a daily basis and handling more than one client become quite tedious and confusing. One of the major reasons to implement an ERP system is to automate operations and track them to save time, improve data accuracy, and reduce human errors.

Simplifying the Exchange of Information

Tedious data sharing is inefficient and not secure as large construction firms handle more than one customer. Sharing large amounts of information within departments is time-consuming. A good ERP system ensures easy data sharing with the help of the tools offering a high level of security. Contractors are able to set viewing restrictions for both their customers and workers.

Nway ERP provides the best ERP software solution for your construction business to acquire all the above benefits and fulfil your construction business needs. If you are looking for an ERP software to help you to build your construction operation, it’s time to fill out our demo form and consult our 15+ years of domain experts.

NWAY ERP- Best Construction ERP Software Solution Provider


ERP software is a business solution that provides powerful analytics using data from various construction processes such as financial management, contractor management, inventory management, human capital management, project management, vendor management, asset management, and more. Construction ERP software integrates different software systems into a single comprehensive solution to help construction managers effectively manage the full life cycle of a project.

NWAY ERP – The Best Construction ERP Software Includes

Unlimited User License

All the company gives license for a limited user and cover incomplete information but in our ERP construction software, we provide you with unlimited user license access so that you can keep your entire customer and user data in it and you will be able to see the report accurately and get complete information about your construction business. As your organization grows, you can have an unlimited number of projects at any location and have payroll generation for thousands of employees at ease and at no extra cost.

Mobile App Integration in ERP Software for Construction Industry

Nway ERP provides you with the best Mobile app integration service so that you can connect all your devices to view reports accurately, get better results and improve construction company productivity. Mobile app integration helps you turn your mobile phone into a communication tool so that you can easily do voice calling, video conferencing, messaging, file sharing, and report analysis at your construction site and provide a seamless experience to employees and users. This facility of our ERP on Mobile App or Tablet is very much needed where your project sites have limited facilities to provide a full fledge office and desktops.

Up to date with all the information

In Nway ERP construction management software we keep up to date with all the information of the construction site because the ERP system continuously receives information from each construction site and gives us instant updates, this provides a huge advantage, as it enables us to make the right decisions and we can improve or expand the productivity of the construction business

Other Uses of NWAY ERP Construction Software

  • Monitors inventory levels – It monitors the inventory level so that you can deliver the construction raw materials at the right time.
  • Alerts when stock is low – It will alert you in advance if your stock is about to run out or has run out so that you don’t let the work stop.
  • Tracks & traces materials used – It gives you complete information about the raw materials procured for construction. If you want to open it from any place, then you can see all the reports accurately.
  • Compares Quotation from Vendors – Our Nway ERP software for construction.
  • Bulk Upload Facility – Unlike other ERPs, where there are huge transactions, Nway ERP provides the bulk facility of import for various Departments.

Nway Construction ERP software solution may speed up and streamline processes while lowering expenses and decreasing human labor requirements.


In conclusion, NWAY ERP is a well-known provider of construction ERP software. Our software has a wide range of functions that may be used to efficiently manage several construction processes, including budget management, contractor management, inventory management, project management, and others. Construction businesses can accurately retain and access user and client data regardless of the size or volume of their organization because of one distinguishing feature, the unlimited user license. The real-time access to reports, communication tools, and file sharing made possible by the mobile app integration boosts productivity even in places with sparse infrastructure. The ERP system facilitates informed decision-making and raises overall productivity by providing up-to-date information from construction sites.

The Benefits of Cloud ERP During The Covid-19 ERA


The COVID-19 pandemic is not stopping our businesses Instead it has enclosed the new state of work. With the power of cloud ERP technology, we have ensured business continuity, which means we are easily accessing our business systems from anywhere at any time and working in isolation without being Isolated. Cloud data has become more secure than ever.

In fact, it’s been around for decades, and the many benefits of working remotely have already been felt by both sides of the business equation: flexibility, time-savings, increased job satisfaction, less stress, enhanced creativity for employees; higher productivity, reduced operating costs, fewer geographical restrictions for hiring new employees, and lower turnover rates for employers.

In this article though, we will focus on the cloud-based ERP solutions by looking at their benefits to the businesses, considering the ongoing pandemic.

Nway ERP Cloud-based Software for Construction, Real estate, Malls, Mines provide complete solution.

list of benefits.
  • Cost Saving

    Cloud-based ERP software mainly consists of a monthly or subscription service. Since the system is run through the web, the business owner doesn’t need to invest in physical assets, which means you are saving money that could be directed to other areas of the business to fight the effects of the pandemic on your business. Remote workers can use ERP because they need a single source of real-time, accurate data. The system effectively reduces administrative and operations costs by allowing employees to manage business activities proactively and help them make the right decision quickly.

  • Social Distancing

    In remote working, workers may distance themselves from social interactions and gatherings in the offices as one is having precaution in the current pandemic.

  • Improved Communications

    To finish their daily tasks, ERP is accessible even for remote workers. It offers easy access to information wherever the employees are if there is a reliable internet connection. Employees from several divisions can communicate with each other because they have the same information on a real-time basis. They experience a boost in their productivity, and they can collaborate efficiently without waiting for accurate data.

  • Flexibility

    Cloud-based ERP software is also flexible in that the backup is automated. And if there is an occurrence of natural disasters, the systems give an inherent plan for restart since production data, as well as the production system, are still available and accessible. When you compare with on-premise ERPs, businesses have to send data to manually backup the data or send it to a reserve site to realize the same benefit.

  • Increased ERP Performance

    In the case of an on-premise ERP solution, you need to properly set up and maintain everything needed to function efficiently. But with a cloud-based solution, the provider will be the one taking care of hosting the solution. And with the knowledge that your system is being maintained by an expert not only gives you some peace of mind but you are also assured that your ERP should perform at its peak performance. This is exactly what your business needs to have considering all the other disruptions that have been experienced due to the pandemic.

At Nway Technologies Pvt. Ltd. we offer ERP services at its best and our skilled Network engineers handle all your cloud-based data safely, securely and with faster ERP performance. We are committed to non-disclosure of any of our client data.

Construction Inventory Management Software: The Ultimate Solution

Construction Inventory Management Software

The timely stocking of goods is the critical function of construction. Construction companies may successfully and efficiently manage their inventory with the help of construction inventory management software. Through the use of this software, firms are able to lower costs, boost productivity, and boost their bottom line by streamlining and automating the ordering, tracking, and management of construction materials.

Integrating the inventory module with finance and purchase enables the ERP system to generate high executive-level reports. Without the need of manual procedures or manual data entry, this software assists in tracking and monitoring inventory levels, stock movement, and stock availability. The software can also assist contractors in identifying potential cost-saving opportunities and improving their forecasting of stock needs.

Construction Inventory Management Software focuses on the below aspects:

Monitors inventory levels

Monitoring inventory levels entails keeping track of the number of products or supplies that a company keeps on stock. This can include supplies used for manufacturing or selling things, such as raw materials, objects that are still in the production process, finished goods, and more.

The goal of keeping an eye on inventory levels is to make sure a company has enough product on hand to satisfy customer demand while also preventing overstocking, which can result in waste and higher carrying costs. Businesses can streamline operations and increase profitability by keeping an eye on inventory levels frequently and modifying inventory management procedures as necessary. This could entail implementing just-in-time inventory practises, using inventory management software, or developing other techniques to enhance inventory control.

Alerts when stock is low

Low stock alerts are notifications that the system sends out when a product’s inventory levels drop below a specified level. This can assist companies in managing their inventory proactively and preventing stockouts, which can result in lost sales and disgruntled customers.

Suggests re-order quantities

Inventory management systems provide the ability to recommend reorder quantities, which can assist companies in maximising their inventory levels and lowering carrying costs. The system may recommend a precise re-order amount based on elements like historical sales data, lead times, and safety stock levels whenever stock levels for a specific item or product fall below a certain threshold.

Automates purchase orders

A feature of inventory management systems that helps simplify the purchasing process for firms is the automation of purchase orders. The system can automatically create and submit a purchase order to the supplier when inventory levels for a specific item or product drop below a predetermined threshold. This can speed up the process and lower the chance of mistakes that come with manual purchase procedures.

Increases visibility

Increased visibility is one of the main advantages of inventory management systems. Businesses can get real-time visibility into their inventory levels, sales patterns, and other key performance metrics by utilising an inventory management system. This can assist companies in making data-driven decisions, streamlining their processes, and boosting their profitability.

Labels pre-committed inventory (production work order, customer)

Labelling inventory that has already been committed to a particular purpose, such as a manufacturing work order or a customer order, is known as the practice of applying certain labels or identifiers to pre-committed inventory. Businesses can simply track and manage their inventory in real-time and make sure they have adequate stock to complete their commitments by labelling pre-committed inventory.

Supplies detailed inventory history

Businesses can gain useful insights into their inventory operations by providing a thorough inventory history. Purchase orders, sales orders, stock changes, and inventory transfers are all included in the inventory history.

Tracks & traces materials used

Inventory tracking and traceability is crucial, especially in the construction business. Businesses may effectively maintain their inventory levels and make sure they have enough raw materials to meet production demands by tracking and tracing the products they utilise.

Construction Inventory Software Helps Control & Waste Management

To manage their inventory, equipment, and supplies, contractors can benefit from using construction inventory management software. The software can assist in managing inventory across numerous task sites, maximising asset utilisation, and minimising excess inventory. Contractors may make informed decisions regarding purchasing and waste management through real-time data on inventory levels and usage. The system can also minimise loss and avoid on-the-job theft. In the end, using technology and utilising construction inventory management software may enhance budget management and save time and money.

Real-time information from the inventory item record, including:

Stock status by location

The phrase “stock status by location” describes the quantity of a certain product or SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) that is kept in stock at a single site or a collection of locations, such as a warehouse, retail space, or delivery facility. Businesses can monitor the availability of their products at various supply chain nodes and take well-informed choices regarding inventory management, restocking, and order fulfilment by tracking stock status by location.

POs (with drill-down detail)

Purchase Orders (POs) are used in construction inventory software to track the acquisition of inventory items from vendors. A purchase order (PO), which specifies the specifics of the transaction, including the amount, price, delivery date, and terms of payment, acts as a contract between the buyer and the vendor.

Bill of Material (BOM)

The document that specifies all the inventories, raw materials, and components required to execute a project is called a BOM. Engineers and contractors use the BOM to make sure that all the necessary components and materials are present during production.

Other features of Our Construction Inventory Management Software:

Complete visibility of your inventory

  • Quickly glance at available stock while receiving new order
  • Prevent shortage of critical raw material
  • Use barcode to achieve end-to-end item tracing.

Track your Purchase & Sales Transactions

  • Get a timeline view of every activity in sales and purchase.
  • Post comments in real-time and tags your team members.
  • Faster documentation and proactive tracking to keep you ahead of deadlines.

Your all-in-one dashboard on the cloud

  • Track the overall health of your business in real-time.
  • Keep an eye on your quotation to order conversion.
  • Get timely payment by automated notifications and reminders.

NWAY ERP has designed its Construction Inventory Module to help construction companies finish projects within budget and time. We have developed each module to work in sequence and provide the best ERP software to help customers.

It’s time to Overcome Challenges in Construction Industry with NWAY Construction ERP Software

Concerns in Construction Industry

Many construction businesses have reported the following difficulties they face, and what keeps them away from reaching a fruitful revenue.

  • Poor Workforce Management
  • Shipment Delays
  • Bad Inventory Management
  • Improper Reporting & Analysis
  • Miscommunication
  • Wastage of Resources
Benefits of Construction Management ERP Software Implemented by NWAY Technologies:
  • Contractor Management

    Construction ERP Software can boost performance according to the need of your organization with customization. Create a centralized database of all qualified contractors across the organization and monitor contractor project progress and efficiently assign/monitor tasks through automated notifications and insights.

  • Planning & Estimation

    Be prepared for unforeseen changes by analysing previous reports to realizing the repetitive constraints. Mark your budget limits with timely alerts on exceeding limits. Ensures a project is achievable, measurable, specific, relevant and in the bound of time. Share the planning and ideas with customized groups in a centralized system making it a more Accountable and organized system.

  • Project Management

    All sites centralized in one place, keeping track of all the task going on various sites eliminating pending culture in your organization leading towards a healthy project life cycle. Whatever department is, allot group task, and set timeline and budgets achieving bigger goals. Go as per plan and receive timely pending task alerts and delays in the life cycle of the project.

  • Inventory Management

    Materials Management (MM) is the system for planning and controlling all of the efforts necessary to ensure that the correct quality and quantity of materials are properly specified in a timely manner, are obtained at a reasonable cost and most importantly are available at the point of use when required. Poor materials management can result in increased costs during construction. Efficient management of materials can result in substantial savings in project costs.

Nway construction ERP software is a web-based construction ERP software that takes on the role of ERP software to assist contractors and Project Managers with their daily construction operations. We are one of the very few products in the construction market that has built-in Business Intelligence to promote positive ROI and Lean technology to control cost overruns and project resources deviations.

If you want better insight into how we can boost your enterprise potential, you can go with a free, detailed and personalised DEMO of Nway construction ERP Software.

Benefits of ERP Software in Construction Industry

Construction ERP Software Benefits

ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) is an integrated process of gathering and organizing business data through a consolidated software suite. Construction ERP Software helps managers to design comprehensive and extensive plans for successful engineering of projects from the beginning of project work till the outcome and during the entire construction lifecycle.

Construction Software has been customized in different sectors including sales, material management, tendering, purchase management, general contractors, and many else. ERP Software is an advanced technology software that combines all construction business processes like accounting, payroll, purchase management, inventory management etc in one database and takes care of all the business components by removing paperwork and making manpower more productive. ERP software for the construction industry maintains all the necessary data or information regarding projects, profitability, conversion and revenue generation.

Below are the Key Benefits of ERP Software in the Construction Industry:

Cost Estimation

Implementation of Construction ERP software can reduce your technical costs and enhance workflow in an efficient way. ERP for the construction industry is really helpful in estimating the cost of the project to plan for future work. Construction companies work on a contract basis and before getting tender, they bid for their projects for better cost estimation.

Real-Time Project Tracking

The advanced construction ERP software solution gives reliable analytical reports from real-time data and as a result, it allows the construction head to track ongoing project progress and take necessary action in case of any variance. And therefore, a construction ERP software helps in reducing risk, unnecessary time as well as improve the efficiency of work.

Planning and Analysis

Proper planning and analysis of architectural work are always essential to increase the reputation of any organization. Construction ERP software allows the analysis of contract, purchase, project design, inventory which is beneficial for financial budgets. It also helps to avoid contractual problems with the vendors and sub-contractors.

Increasing ROI

Construction ERP software allows construction & infrastructure companies to avoid manual, time-consuming, and labor-intensive processes, control expenditures for raw materials and employees, get rid of undesirable operating costs, remove unnecessary downtime, and meet project deadlines. And helping the organization get maximum ROI.

Optimize Project Management

To optimize Project Management, a construction ERP software solution has the capability to monitor information, storing data & accurate analysis of raw material, manpower utilization & resource allocation. Construction ERP Software allows access control for the authorized customers to get all the information from anywhere across the world. It avoids unnecessary time, cost & waste of money during the project duration.

NWAY provides a construction ERP software solution that can help your business to acquire benefits and fulfil construction business needs. If you want to know more about how our smart ERP software helps you to build your construction operation, fill out our demo form and consult with Nway’s 15+ years domain experts.

Implementation of ERP Systems in the Construction Industry


Today, the construction industry has become more challenging and competitive. All construction firms are in search of any means to boost productivity, accomplish integration, and stain competitiveness. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an Information Technology (IT) business solution that enables construction companies and their contractors to manage capital projects effectively and efficiently throughout the project lifecycle.

Enterprise Resource Planning can allow companies to enhance their business processes and allows for necessary management. That’s why ERP can be said a business management system software that can integrate numeral activities in a project & deliver a simultaneous result for bettering performance, reducing cost, and increasing profits.

Construction ERP software provides cost optimization, incorporates design changes, consistent quality conformance, Reliable, Faster, and on-time delivery, incorporates value engineering, a Collaborative work environment, and a team tracking facility.

When evaluating your potential solution, you will need to understand how the functions will integrate and benefit you but there are 3 core elements that you must ensure are provided.

Features for Construction Management:

  • Procurement and controls
  • Accounting
  • Specialized Cost Ledgers
  • Payroll and Labor Costing
  • Plant and Equipment Costing
  • Contract Cost Reporting
  • Business Intelligence
  • Document Management
  • Time and Attendance Systems
  • Human Resource Management
  • Enterprise Accounting

Top 3 key Elements your construction ERP Must Have:

Planning & Estimation

Be prepared for unforeseen changes by analyzing previous reports to realize the repetitive constraints. Mark your budget limits with timely alerts on exceeding limits. Ensures a project is achievable, measurable, specific, relevant, and within the bound of time. Share the planning and ideas with customized groups in a centralized system making it a more Accountable and Consortium system.

Contract management

Contract management is the management of contracts made with customers, vendors, or partners. The strange challenge for a construction ERP is to manage a scope of work that can be fluid relating to a complex asset and maintain a list of contractors and track the progress. Contract management needs to go for multiple changes and be structured to handle workflow approvals, contract changes, and revisions.

Cost control

A construction ERP must be able to handle such diverse elements as resource allocation, payments on milestones, sub-contractor costs, and plant and equipment. The time at which major cost savings can be achieved is during the planning and design of the project. The date reports, business intelligence, and revision of the project will assist in maintaining control of costs and, of course, margin.

Nway ERP software for the construction industry are used across all industries but the ones that are built for the unique needs of construction companies help manage contractors, financials, and service operation.